Mission Statement
CENTILE is an interprofessional community of educators that drives innovation, excellence and scholarship in education at Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC).
On May 1, 2013, the establishment of The Center for Innovation and Leadership in Education (CENTILE) was announced. The goal of CENTILE is to serve as a central, GUMC-wide venue for fostering faculty collaboration, learning, and professional development in biomedical and health professions education. It will also facilitate recognition of the centrality of teaching at GUMC and excellence, innovation, and scholarship in education across departments, centers and schools at GUMC. Dr. Aviad Haramati was named as the founding director of CENTILE.
Established on April 24, 2013, with Dr. Aviad Haramati as its inaugural director (press release)
Contact CENTILE: centile@georgetown.edu