H. Carrie Chen, MD, PhD

H. Carrie Chen, MD, PhD is the Associate Dean of Assessment and Educational Scholarship and Professor of Pediatrics at Georgetown University School of Medicine, and Adjunct Professor of Medicine at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. She received her Master of Science in Education from the University of Southern California Rossier School of Education and her Doctorate in Health Professions Education from Utrecht University in the Netherlands. She has developed curricula and assessment programs and provided leadership for medical student, resident, and fellow education as well as continuing medical education and faculty development. Her research interests include workplace learning, workplace-based assessments including the use of entrustable professional activities (EPAs), and faculty skill development and support.
Dr. Chen chairs the Subcommittee on Evaluation and Assessment and serves on the Committee on Medical Education, Committee on Medical Student Well-being, and the MedStar Health GME Consortium Graduate Medical Education Committee. She oversees MedStar Georgetown’s participation in the International Medical Educators Exchange (IMEX) Program and teaches in the International Course on Entrustable Professional Activities.