Robin Gross, MD, FCCP
Robin Gross, MD, FCCP is an Associate Professor in the Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine and the Department of Medicine. Her educational interests are in the following areas: professional identity formation; feedback and precepting; asthma; and tobacco cessation. Dr. Gross has taught the following classes: M1 Pulmonary Physiology; M2 RSP module: Asthma: A Clinician’s Perspective; Department of Medicine: Asthma/COPD; Pulmonary: Public Speaking and Slide Presentations, Asthma series; Mind-Body-Medicine Facilitator (2015). She has been the course director for the M2 Case-Based Learning Pharmacology Elective, “Pulmonary Diseases: Current Management and Novel Research Approaches.” At the 2014 CENTILE Colloquium for GUMC Educators in the Health Professions, Dr. Gross’ presentation was entitled, “Implementation of Multi-Modal Education in a Smoking Cessation Treatment Trial of 10 Medical Schools: The Georgetown University MSQuit Experience.” Finally, Dr. Gross is a Harvey Learning Society Master Clinician and is Professional Identity Formation Working Group Chair on the Curricular Innovation Committee on Reflection, Formation and Leadership. Dr. Gross holds leadership positions within the American Thoracic Society (ATS) and was the recipient of the Georgetown Women in Medicine (GWIM) John Eisenberg Career Development Award, funded for her AAMC Mid-Career Faculty Development Seminar.